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In July 26, 1998 and August 12, 2000, Pedro Orpina received separate letters from his cousin Edgar Orpina, Vice President of the Global Communication Committee for the Federation of Philippine American Chambers of Commerce (FPACC) in the United States encouraging him to organize a Chamber of Commerce in Cantilan or in Carcanmadcarlan area with the latter's assurance of assitance and support.

April 17, 2000 was the first organizational meeting held at Expat's Cafe', seventeen reponded to the invitation. Directors and offices were elected and the chamber was initially named Central Surigao Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Inc. with potential membership within Carcanmadcarlan area. In one of the meetings in July, the incorporators resolved to change the name to Cantilan Chamber of Commerce, Inc.; Cantilan being the mother of municipalities and the "cradle of towns".

Twenty six (26) incorporators are included in the registration with S.E.C. in September 13, 2000. To date, five (5) confirmed additional membership; making the total to thirty one (31). The chamber is now equiped with its vision, mission, goals, strategies and this year's theme setting the directions not only for the next few years but also far beyond.

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