Tilang Interactive Network Web Information

After the success of the launching of Channel Cantilan's Website (a site intended for Channel Cantilan of Undernet.org on IRC) the author thinks of having a more informative site which comprises the information needed for researches and data gathering for the town of Cantilan and those of Carcanmadcarlan.

This website was published due to several reasons and demands on which the author gave concern and realization regarding this matters. But the project does not end only in planning but it must be done. At the end of March 2001 the author begins working.

The project "Tilang Interactive Network" takes time to be realize because of the limited resources (time, funds and etc.). But did succeed after months of research, soliciting ideas and information, saving money from its allowance:). The site was made by formulating its source code using Microsoft's Notepad and Internet Explorer as the browser. The site was formally published on May 5, 2001.

Tilang Interactive Network is a none commercial website, a pure charity work website.

Tilang Interactive Network is a work in progress. Please help us build our site by sending your comments and suggestions to suggestions@tilang.cjb.net .

Tilang Interactive Network © 2001
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